Sunday, February 1, 2009

Start up post

Well, here goes my best effort to give you a sense of what this journey is like. Most of you are in recovery with me and the rest are family and others who know me and whom I trust.

I have cancer. For sure I have CLL or chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Here's a web site if you want to know more:

The big questions as of today are what are the nodules in my lungs, are they caused by the CLL, and is the baseball sized tumor on my kidney also caused by the CLL?

If it is all rooted with CLL, that is really good news. My CLL is early stage and is readily treated with very high success rate. If it is CLL and kidney cancer, that would mean treat the CLL and cut out the kidney we only need one).

If it is CLL plus kidney cancer that has moved into my lungs well, that's not good news.

Tomorrow morning I have an invasive biopsy - cut two one inch wedges out of my lung to get 3 nodules from each wedge to test and find out WTF this is. I have been in limbo, not knowing since January 3rd. This biopsy and "what if" is heavy on my mind today - my eyes tear up now just writing that down.

The month long journey so far has included an endless shuffle of emotions: scared, sad, angry, denial, acceptance, and occasionally a profound sense of gratitude. Gratitude? Yup! If life was fair then I would have died before 15 years ago when I got clean. Recovery and all of you have given me an awesome life; better today than ever before. More tears, that's all for now.


  1. I love you my darling and am so happy that you are expressing your feelings. WE will make it thru this. Love, YBWE

  2. You're an incredible man and I'm so greatful that our paths crossed 10 years ago! I've gotten to know selfless by knowing you! Stay strong and know that Devin and I will keep praying for you!

  3. left, right, left...
    little by slow, we walk this path

    love you buddy

  4. Love you googles dad! Just another little bump in the road...many of which make us who we are. Thinking about you big time today and for the past while of course. I'm sure all the prayers are doing their thing!

  5. Big, but gentle, hugs Big Brother! Love you < THIS > much!

  6. Dear Whuppin',
    Wondering if you're up entertaining the nurses yet with your Jack Nicholson imitation. :O)Wish I was there but these hugs will have to do.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sure love you! Gina Carol
