Friday, January 21, 2011

Back from Bethesda

Yesterday we flew home after our bi-monthly trip for re-upping all the scans and tests and measurements. No new growth of my cancer cells. That's good news. Two "hotspots" on my sacrum, the triangular bone just below the lumbar vertebrae, are metastasized kidney cancer cells. Very small so far, and I may start a 3rd drug that has shown success in keeping it small.

I am numb and do not know how I feel about that right now. More will be revealed. I still have my cold - ninth week - so it adds to my fatigue. My bi-weekly infusion was yesterday; always tired for 2+ days afterward. My big activities today were phone calls, watering outdoor plants, sitting in the sun for awhile, and then napping/zoning, giving myself a break. That's all for now.