Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sautéed cabbage, Mayo & Mom

Sautéed cabbage. I am not sure even with my open taste buds that I would have tried this dish, but Mayo Clinic cafeteria had it as a special side today. With "turkey pie over buttermilk bisquit" entree, two cookies and a small no fat milk, totaled about 5 bucks. Oh wait, did I say Mayo Clinic? Yep, that's what I said. About a month ago when this odyssey started, I talked it over with the World's Best Sponsor who suggested I try the Mayo Clinic.

After 15 years of what seems to me solid effort at a good recovery program; all the steps, all the growth, all the giving, all the service, and all the relationship with HP, my first thought when he said Mayo Clinic was, "I don't deserve the Mayo Clinic!" My disease spoke first. But then all that 15 years of doin' the deal stepped up and said to the disease , "STFUASBD and I mean that in a loving way!" (You will have to ask me what that means or ask some of my guys). And my recovery said, " Yes, I do deserve the Mayo Clinic" and all they have to offer, including some pretty good
Sautéed cabbage.

My Mom has been here since a couple days before my surgery. Today she went home to Wichita. She is 76, and a 2 time lymphoma survivor. She recently published a book about a specific ghost: . I am proud of my Mom. She is one of my heroes. Soon after she got here she was hit with the kind of cold that kicks anyone's a**, the creeping crud kind. It took most of her energy, so it's not like she had much left to nurse me to health and cater to my whims or whatever June Cleaver did for the Beav. But she was here. For me. I love her and I'm gonna outlive her!


  1. OMG, I can SO relate to this my friend!!!!

    To ask for help, receive help...offer help..

    That is why I try to keep in practice. Neither you or I know when we will 'really need' help, do we?

    I love you and am sending you gobs of love!
    ps screw spell check!

  2. Dear Sweet Bill,
    So glad your Momma was there to love on you during these past few days. She sounds like a trooper to me..must be genetic. Anyway, I am sending you our love, prayers, hugs, kisses and gratitude for your recovery. You and Jacki are in all our prayer chains here in Charleston and all along the eastern seaboard.
    I had to laugh about your disease talking trash to you. But Praise God you know the truth now and have great resources to turn to when you get into "stinking thinking". I miss your sweet smile and great bear hugs. Take care and know we care about you. Leslie Forlano
