Mad, sad, glad, scared and excited. 5 basic emotions. Many many variations and other "specialty" emotions. How about joy, surprise, disgust, zest, anticipation, awe, Take the emotion "love" for example with subset emotions like: adore, fond, affectionate, attraction, like, caring, tenderness, sentimental. It gets complicated quickly for me. Not just me as exemplified by those little faces charts naming all the feelings.
I seem to do better keeping it simpler, difficult as that can be. How about just love, sad, afraid, joy. But then there are the jumbled up varieties and combinations. Scared and excited two sides of the same coin. Mad/sad/scared/grateful/accepting - now there is a combo underlying most waking moments for me recently. It is hard for me to separate them from each other. Sad and grateful at the same time - how does that work? I often cry feeling sadness, but am I also crying out of fear? Fear of what? Maybe that last question is the crux of what I am really trying to write about.
My sponsor asked me today if I feel right with my God. Do I feel the need to do something to get right with God? We talked about faith, belief, spirituality. In recovery, each meeting, we read "regardless of age, race, sexual identity, creed religion or lack of religion." All are welcome into recovery with just a desire to be here. Seems to me that regardless of the spiritual path we walk we all get to the same place ultimately - in the lap or grace or presence or heaven or heart of God. Even if we just get dead, I figure I must live my life the same way. Do justice, love kindness and walk humbly.
I know why I am alive instead of dead as logically I would have been back in 1992. I am alive because my God wants me to touch the lives of others who suffer from my other disease, my primary disease, the disease of addiction. God gave me the "super power" and the instructions to help other addicts like me, who it turns out, have the same super power. I have been following that instruction as my primary purpose, my raison d'etre, to the best of my ability. God likes that! Cancer does not stop that. Just for today, deep inside to the molecular level I feel right with God and need not be afraid about what will happen when this is all done.
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God loves you, Bill, and so do I!