Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Direct quote this morning from Chief Nurse of the drug trial,

"I wish I had the answer today, but we hope to review pathology this week on your biopsy. We will contact you as soon as we review."

Certainly this is an opportunity to practice faith trust and patience. However, each episode of this drama raises a little hope followed by a week of waiting for the next. Could we at least get some comedies with Super Bowl advertisements in between?

"Take away my fears and doubts so that I may better demonstrate Your presemce in my life."


  1. Somehow or another, everything has spiritual value. Glad you are looking at all this through spiritual eyes as much as possible. We are so lucky. Many years of training, one day at a time, applying spiritual principles in every area of our life, no matter fking what. Accepting the unacceptable and unresolved issues we can still have dignity and walk through it as a free man, rather than victim, one breath at a time.

    Much love brother B.

  2. Hey there Uncle Bill!!

    You're such a trooper! We're all prayin with ya back here! Doctors scare the willies outta me, but I know that with our God, we can conquer all earthly trials!

    Here's two of my favorite verses for ya to remember! Enjoy!

    Galatians 6:9
    Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up! :)

    Romans 12:12
    Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer! :)
