Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Did they really give me anything?

I met yesterday with the T-Gen trial team in follow-up to my first treatment with the new drug. They asked me how I am doing and I had to ask, "Did you really give me anything?" Since my first infusion on Tuesday, Oct 4, I don't think I have felt any side effects. Whoopee! Maybe there will be effects as treatment procedesand the drug accumulates, but for now, nada!

Indeed I am the first (and so far only) human on the drug. It is a: Multicenter, Phase 1/1b, Open-Label, dose-escalation study of ABT-700, a monoclonal antibody, in subjects with advanced solid tumors. Another follow up next week and a new infusion every 21 days

ABT is the short form of Abbott Laboratories. I guess I am investing in the company - should I buy stock too?


  1. that's great news about the lack of side effects. How will they be able to tell if the drug is effective?

  2. Scans around Christmas I am confident will show shrinkage. ;-)

  3. HI Bill, Shirley Adelmann is part of a prayer group at St Barnabus in PV, and today i received a notice of you being included among those prayer recipients. That is the whole damn congregation!!! Woo hoo! Prayer changes things and God answers prayer!!

  4. Ir's been three weeks now since you began the new drug. Are you still free of side effects? Can't wait til Christmas for more than one reason now. I'll be eager to here how the next tests turn out. I love you, Bill!

  5. We need an update, oh great and powerful blogger. Nosy folks want to know how you are.
