Sunday, August 29, 2010


1. (9) inspire, animate, invigorate, enliven, exalt
(heighten or intensify; "These paintings exalt the imagination")

4. (1) cheer, root on, inspire, urge, urge on, exhort, pep up
(spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts; "The crowd cheered the demonstrating strikers")

Today I received a note of encouragement from a friend who had a large marble sized tumor at the base of her brain. The thought of cancer in my brain scares me; I think that must be the worst. She must have energy sapping radiation which thankfully I have not had to do. I have always been inspired watching her ski as I try to keep up and match the vibrant, vigorous and animated joy she can radiate. My hunch is that radiation kicks her tumor better than the medical version.

So today I have a little Reba in me to help lift me out of the daily physical funk that steals my afternoons.

The definitions of inspire above do not quite make clear the most powerful method of inspiration, that demonstrated by example. Today I am much more likely to notice the example of those around my life who are walking through physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual challenges. Some walk with a grace I aspire to, and others crawl because they no longer can walk. Occasionally I get to share with those human examples a moment of intimate grace, breathing hope and gratitude for life to each other. When I am paying attention and step out of my self, I can notice those moments. Thank you Reba.

Tuesday my daughter Kate and I fly to Bethesda, MD for my blood work Wed and third infusion on Thursday. We are staying to Sunday for father-daughter tourist time in DC.
My obsessing brain wants to figure out all the logistics of timing my energy hours with getting around the subway and walking around the monuments, museums, etc. Go with the flow Bill. Kate on the other hand just wants time with Dad and I don't think she much cares what we do. Having gone a couple times for these infusions by myself, I can tell you that I have learned my lesson: do not go by myself. Thank you Kate.

The additional cancer drug and consequent blood pressure drugs have tried to kick my butt, and they have come close a couple times. That is when all of you kick in with your examples and cheers and prayers and encouragement. You inspire me!


  1. That's right! Go with the flow. We will have fun! We will also be able to relax and enjoy the weekend. Don't worry about anything. Zero pressure. I'm not sure if you are aware but over the years I have become quite good at the travel/figuring out transportation stuff. We don't have to do anything at all to satisfy me (though I'm down to see whatever sights you want). I'm just happy to get away and spend some time with ya. Love you!

  2. Thanks for the updates Bill. Love and support, Pete.
